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Learning from Animals

Writer's picture: Joe CardelloJoe Cardello

February 27, 2025

Originally, my intention for March’s commentary was to revisit the importance of putting energy into the areas of your life that matter most. I was going to tackle this by focusing on our own certain mortality. I read an article about a very successful businessman that breaks his time down by the number of days he likely has left in his life. He uses this approach to ensure he uses all the gifts that have been given him without wasting his talent or his time.

For me, if everything goes well, I probably have about 8,000 days left, but I’m likely to have more energy in the next 2,000 days. I reflect on how I want to spend those days. Through contemplation and meditation, I can assess if I’m on the right path or if I need to course correct to ensure I’m being true to my mission. I observe in myself and others that when we spend our time feeding and focusing on activities that feed our anxiety, we become stressed and sad. But when we focus our attention on the people that matter most in our life, we find peace.

In any event, that was what I was going to write about, and then life took a turn.

Our amazing dog, Cooper, passed away on February 26th, and this hit me hard. We had him for over 13 years, and he spent much of that time by my side. Sleeping, cooking, walking, boating, driving, working; Cooper was right next to me. The removal of his presence is hard for me. This is grief, and that grief is compounded in me if you understand my journey.

However, I don’t want to discuss my grief nor my loss. I do want to discuss my reflection on Cooper, and what he would want us to know about life. He has some important lessons that can bring us peace and happiness that will help us in all facets of life.

Cooper wasn’t with me the day after he died, but he spoke to me! It’s amazing, because he is just a dog. I was fascinated by what he told me because he pointed out all the things he taught me during his life. Here is what he told me in his own words:

  • Thank you for taking such good care of me. Especially when you were tired, and I know you didn’t feel like it. I had to be a pain in the ass because it was what you needed. I know that if I got you to focus on what I wanted you would forget about what you think you needed. You’re welcome!

  • I know you were “busy” doing work in the morning, but the reason I dropped my stuffed toy in your coffee so many times was to get you to wake up! You think I did this because I wanted to play fetch? No, I did this because I knew when I was gone, this is what you would remember, and this is what would make you smile. You can’t even tell me what silly news you were reading about anyhow. Live in the moment! You’re welcome!

  • I get that you must pay attention to things besides me, but why did you ever waste any time being cynical or negative? Don’t do that. I am glad I had patience with you. Thankfully, you accepted reality and moved on most of the time. I helped you get on with it. You’re welcome!

  • I know there are mornings where you had a really hard time moving forward. I’m glad that I put my face to yours when you cried and thought you couldn’t go on. I understood your pain, but I also knew that you were strong enough to move forward. Thank you for taking me on those walks; I knew that it would change your perspective and get you out of your own head. You’re welcome!

  • I forgive you for those days where you really did neglect me. I know you didn’t know any better. This is why I kept loving you no matter what you did. I figured if I just kept showing you love no matter what that it would wear you down. In fact, I did this with everyone! Eventually people get tired of hurting themselves if they’re shown enough love. They give up harmful behavior. I win! You’re welcome!

  • You think you are tougher and smarter than you are. Just remember how much you cried when I passed. Remember how much this hurt; I want you to feel it. Not because I want you to be sad, but because I want you to understand how to love more deeply. Don’t hide from the pain; it will help you appreciate the joy of life more. You’re welcome!

  • Also, I know I’m just a dog, but don’t judge other people’s feelings when they lose a pet. We know we are just pets, but the reason it hurts so much when we die is because we are teaching you about love. We are teaching you about what matters most. You can use the gifts we give you in all your relationships. You’re welcome!

  • Yes, I was relentless in my pursuit of getting you to sit still on the porch. You needed it. Do you think I wanted to hear you play that guitar so badly? No, I just wanted to sit with you on the porch with the sun on our faces, the smells in the air, and appreciate life happening to us. You’re welcome!

  • Use your talents to the fullest and be generous with others. You did a pretty good job on this point, but you weren’t anywhere close to my level of humility (in my humble opinion). Just do what you are supposed to do; give your gifts away and do it without any pride. It really doesn’t matter what others think of you. You’re welcome!

  • Thank you for allowing me to play to my strengths. It took you a while, but eventually you figured out that we are not distance runners! Thank you for giving me the extra time to sniff all the wonderful smells in my world; it allowed me to experience life in all its wonder. Allow others to play to their strengths and help them with their weaknesses so they can experience how wonderful life is. You’re welcome!

  • Oh, and embrace your age. I mean, look people still thought I was cute because they could see the gentleness in my eyes until the very end. Do you really think it mattered much that I had all those lumps? Look your best, but don’t worry so much about your outward appearance, it’s your heart that counts. You’re welcome!

  • Thank you for rushing to be with me at the end of my life, but truth be told it didn’t matter. I knew how much I meant to you, and I knew how much you meant to me. This doesn’t happen in an instant. This happens over a lifetime; all those small things we did for one another. You should know this; you’re welcome!

  • I know you liked to push me to be better, and I know you have good intentions when you do that with others. But I needed to show you that I reached my limits. I needed to ensure you practiced more patience with others but also with yourself. Exercise is great, but let’s also eat more cheese. You’re welcome!

  • You won’t forget me; of that, I am sure. But I want you to always use the gifts I’ve given you. If you really heed the lessons I taught you, you will realize that:

  • You will be more balanced.

  • You will be able to serve others better.

  • You will get out of your own head.

  • You will be a better husband, father, manager, advisor, and investor.

  • You will attain more peace and happiness.

  • Lastly, keep doing those road trips. They were great for both of us, and I’ll still be there with you in spirit. I really loved the people we met, the perspective it provided us, the new smells, and especially the food and extra treats. Keep moving forward, you’re almost there. You’re welcome!

To all our clients of August Wealth, I thank you for allowing us to serve you. Cooper thanks you for listening to his wisdom, and I promise to use his wisdom to serve you better.

There are so many developments in the world; it’s hard to keep up!

My quick take on world and market developments; if this provokes thought, send me an email and the team or I will elaborate. These are solely my own views and interpretations and some of the adjustments we have made.

  • There is more uncertainty due to the new Republican administration in the USA. There will be positives and negatives, but the important point in the near term is that things are changing. More uncertainty likely means more volatility; hence we have adjusted portfolios with the goal of reducing risk and to hunt future opportunities.

  • There are going to be lots of opportunities in our opinion. We need to be prepared to enter investments where cash flows will protect your wealth into the future.

  • The world is likely becoming safer. I suspect peace is more likely in Ukraine, Europe will likely become more resilient, democracy will become a more powerful force in the world.

  • Eventually the USA and Europe will see large efficiency gains due to cost cutting, rethinking approaches to problems and new technologies.

  • The middle east will change for the better as war becomes tired. The governments with the most power will realize that they need to serve ALL people better not just their own. People will side with those that give them opportunity for stable family life, work, and rest.

  • China will continue to lose out economically, but a growing military is a risk for the world. The CCP is likely to remain insular and defensive.

We continue to believe equities provide the best protection of your purchasing power. We believe you should participate in most of the potential upside gains by keeping fees low. We do not believe it is in your best interest to pay 2% management fee and 20% of profits. We aspire to approach your investments with lessons from the master. We would urge you to read Warren Buffett’s latest shareholder letter: 

We are spending a great deal of time on artificial intelligence. We think it will help our process in many facets of the advisory business. I will not get into specifics of what we are doing at August Wealth for regulatory reasons, but if you want to understand how much more accessible these technology tools are, read this recent article in the New York Times.

Lastly, if you value what a dog can bring to your life and to the lives of others, perhaps you might be interested in supporting the one of these charities, Bark4Compassion: or Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Cooper gets the credit for giving other dogs a life where they can bring joy and happiness to new families.

Thank you, Cooper!




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